
Sunday, April 19, 2015

Mmmm... S'more cups

I thought I would share this recipe with you guys because I and so many people I've made it for enjoy it so much. 

What you'll need:
1-1/3 cups All Purpose Flour
1-1/4 cup of Crushed Graham Crackers (use a food processor)
1/2 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp Baking Soda
1 Egg
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
1/2 cup of Unsalted Butter softened at room temperature
1/3 cup of Granulated Sugar
1/3 of a Cup of Brown Sugar
1/4 cup of Grated Chocolate
Mini Marshmallows
Squares of Hershey chocolate (6 individual bars)

  1. Preheat your oven to 375 degrees. 
  2. In a bowl cream together your butter and both surgars, add in the egg and vanilla and mix until combined.
  3. Next add your flour, graham crackers, salt, baking soda and grated chocolate to your wet ingredients and mix until combined.
  4. Use a spoon to place your dough in the mini cupcake pan and press it in.
  5. Bake for 5-7 minuets or until lightly golden brown. Remove from the oven and switch it to broil.
  6. Break some of the Hershey's squares in half and put it at the bottom of the cookie. On top of that add about three marshmallows.
  7. Place your cups under the broiler for a minute or two or until your marshmallows become lightly golden brown.
  8. Remove them from the oven and place a full Hershey's square on top and let it cool.
  9. When cooled, eat and enjoy!

I hope you enjoy this recipe!


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Lush Haul

I went to Lush quite a while ago and picked up a few things:

(From left to right on first pic)


For the first one I couldn't find the name of it on the website or the receipt, i'm sorry! It doesn't look to appealing, but once you smell it, it's already in your basket. It's smells minty and fresh and it has sea salt running throughout the bar.  When I used it I didn't really notice it doing anything for my skin and I couldn't smell it at all.

Floating Island bath melts ($7.95)

These smelt so good I picked up two! They smell sort of vanillay or like cupcakes and you just want to eat it! It made my skin super soft and silky, but I didn't smell it yet again.

(Note: I had a reaction (itching)  to either one of the above; i'm not sure which one as I used both at the same time.)

Let the good times roll  ($12.95)

This is a exfoliating polenta cleanser. It leaves you with a vibrant glow and helps your skin regain moister and elasticity... according to the website. It smells really good, like popcorn/vanilla; another product I want to eat. :) But when I mixed it with water (as directed to do so) the smell went a bit funny and upon applying it on my face it felt very oily. My skin is naturally oily so I tend to not enjoy and stay away from products that feel oily upon application. But I tried it anyway and didn't notice a 'vibrant glow' and rather than moister for my skin I just felt oily and nasty. 

Rub Rub Rub ($21.95)

I LOVE this one! It smells nice, looks nice, feels nice... ahhh, I just love it! It's a gorgeous blue sea salt shower scrub and smells like oranges. When I used it, it left my skin feeling soooo soft, silky and refreshed,  but the smell didn't really 'stick'. :( I use it for both my body and my feet for 'special' occasions... basically once a week. You can also use it as a shampoo but I haven't tried that one out yet. I would think its better on the body.;)

Fun ($6.95)

This one is well... Fun! It's a moldable soap that smells sweet yet chalky. I thought the pink was the best smelling one out of all of them. It made my skin feel soft, but I didn't really feel clean, I would suggest using normal soap first then Fun for a nice scent. 

Sex bomb bath bomb ($6.65)

LUSH Sex Bomb Bath Bomb by LUSH

For this bath bomb I had to steal the picture off of the website because I used it all... woops. This one smells very romantic and rosey and I think it quite cute with the little rose in the middle and the different colors. It left my skin feeling soft and smelling nice.

My room smelt so nice having these products in here to write this blog.
I really enjoy going to Lush everything smells and looks so nice, makes you skin feel so soft and silky and it's all natural! Plus they don't test their products on animals. Let me know what products you enjoy from Lush.


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Hair shopping

So I went grocery shopping last weekend and decided to pick up a few hair products to try out.

(From left to right)

Suave dry shampoo ($4.19) 
 I've never used dry shampoo before because I washed my hair everyday, there was no need for it. But my hair started getting really dry so I started washing it every other day and decided to give dry shampoo a try. It doesn't smell to good; very chemicaly. When I looked at my hair after spraying it it was white! I thought maybe I sprayed it to close so I did it further away and it didn't turn white. I then looked at my hair and it still looked and felt greasy but it did give it volume and texture. Overall I wasn't to impressed with this product and would give it 5/10. 

Tresemme extra hold hair spray ($5.92)
It says on the bottle 'superior hold with touchable feel', it definitely had a touchable feel, it didn't feel hard or crispy. Also it does hold my hairstyles into place well. On the plus side it claims it has all day humidity resistance. It smells quite nice, sweet yet chemicaly again. I was happy with my purchase on this product and would rate it 8/10. 

L'Oreal Paris tousle waves spary ($6.39)
This product I was very excited to try out and as soon as I got home I sprayed it on. Its suppose to give you beachy hair (same as sea salt) and it did but perhaps not as much as I wanted. It looked pretty similar to my normal hair, it wasn't a drastic noticeable difference, but i still like it. You could spray it on both dry or wet hair and I found it worked best on dry hair. The smell again was very chemicaly, probably the worst smelling one out of the four products I bought. I would rate it 7/10. 

L'Oreal Paris heatspray ($6.29)
 Last but not least the heatspray. I don't know how to tell if this is effective, but it says it protects the hair from heat up to 450 degrees, and that it keeps the hair 3 days sleek after straightening. It smells the same as the tousle wave spray. I'm not going to give it a rating because I cant tell if its effective or not. 

That was all I got this Saturday, overall I wasn't to impressed with everything I got, they all smelt like chemicals, nothing nice. The best thing would be the hairspray and the worst is the dry shampoo. Let me know if you have any products you enjoy. :)


Bobby pins HATE me!

    okay so this post is going to be quite short, or long if i start to rant (we'll see soon) and its about bobby pins hatred for me. I never really grew up using bobby pins and never had any in the house; I got some from a hairdresser after I got my hair done for my aunts wedding and decided to keep them.

I didn't touch them for a few years after the wedding until now, and well there're not really working out. They never stay in my hair or hold my hairstyle in place! I'm pretty sure i'm using them correctly; I mean they're freaking bobby pins!

I think its because my hair is so thin and doesn't have any grip or texture that they just slide right off my head. 

I've had these battles for a few months now and they do work of course but after many hours and tries to get them holding the hairstyle. However i do often find myself having to re due the hairstyle or secure the bobby pins better in my hair when i go out. I also find it hard to hide the bobby pins.

Hairstyle 1:
Click for Options     Click for Options
They hold the hairstyle okay but I often find I have to re due it when i'm out. Also I can't hide the bobby pins on the side and keep it secured so i usually cover it up with my hair.

Hairstyle 2:
Click for Options       Click for Options
For this hairstyle I can't even walk out of my room without it falling out, plus they' re really visible. Maybe the braid is to thick for it to keep the braid secure on my head.

But anyway that was my rant of the day. It was really random. Let me know if any of you have the same problem and if you have any tips. 
